Preschool & Pre-K

Prepare your child for kindergarten & more

At FBCA, our curriculum is focused on providing your child with a solid foundation in the academic skills needed for kindergarten and beyond. Our preschool curriculum is framed by the Pinnacle Curriculum, a nationally-recognized, researched-based program that supports your child in developing in all of those domains needed for school. We supplement this curricular framework with proprietary brain-based experiences, developed by early education experts to provide for optimal brain development.

Research tells us that children’s brains develop best when they have active experiences in:

  • Critical thinking

  • Movement

  • Language development

  • Relationship building (social-emotional experiences)

  • Sensory exploration

Your preschooler will enjoy an engaging learning environment specially designed to promote all of these in a way that make learning fun. Interactive spaces, brain-based learning opportunities, and caring teachers come together to build a solid learning foundation for your child.

Kids Learn & Care Preschool Program’s Developmental Goals

  • Social-emotional development

  • Promote sense of self

  • Encourage responsibility for self and others

  • Encourage social behavior

  • Physical development

  • Promote gross motor skills

  • Promote fine motor skills

  • Cognitive development

  • Promote learning and problem solving skills

  • Encourage logical thinking

  • Promote representational and symbolical thinking

  • Language development

  • Develop listening and speaking skills

  • Develop reading and writing skills

Preschool classroom 3

Get your child one step closer to kindergarten

Our Pre-Kindergarten program builds on and strengthens skills learned in preschool. At Kids Learn & Care we focus on

  • Problem-solving

  • Responsive listening

  • Using language to learn

  • Social and collaborative skills

This classroom has been designed as an important stepping stone to elementary school. Here, children make significant developmental gains, communicate more successfully, and learn to work well both independently and in groups.

In-school and at-home activities are designed to improve your child’s literacy and cognition in areas such as vocabulary development and alphabet knowledge.